Our actions

A passion for the product, the central role of people, fairness and transparency in relationships, respect for the environment and for the social context we work in. These are the founding values of the Villani community. They have always driven our activities and will increasingly be an integral part of our business plan for the foreseeable future. To demonstrate our commitment, we don't seek to simply declare it: every day we are firmly committed to proving it and, where possible, to certifying it. Each milestone reached for us is a new starting point.
Being a sustainable company is a fundamental aim around which every aspect of our doing business increasingly revolves: from the production of our specialities, with all the guarantees and controls of a modern company, to the responsible use of resources to avoid waste; from efficient energy consumption to reduce the impact on the environment, to the system of managing the health and safety of workers.
For all these aspects, we have obtained certifications that meet internationally recognised standards or that encompass the European regulations and which every year undergo external checks to ensure correct maintaining of the necessary requirements and continuing of the improvements achieved.
Castelnuovo Rangone (MO)
Bentivoglio (BO)
Langhirano (PR)
Soragna (PR)

But our commitment doesn't stop there. Correctness in relationships and transparency in communications, internal and external, are also a priority for us. For this reason, since 2016, Villani has implemented the 231 model, to guarantee that the behaviour of all those persons who work on behalf of or in the interest of the company is always in compliance with the law and consistent with the principles of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and company activities. The model is supported by a series of tools that represent a clear and unambiguous guide for all those who are part of our organisation.