The people
People are our most precious resource. It is thanks to them that Villani has achieved the success its boasts today. Their commitment and their dedication allow us to make a difference every day.
Working at Villani
What makes us unique
People are the backbone of our company, the one true asset capable of determining the lasting success of our company. They are our greatest asset. For this reason their well-being is all-important to us and every day we strive to improve the quality of life at the company. Working st Villani is a matter of choice. Those who join us are willing to share values, ethics, projects and an overall vision with us Together we grow - as individuals and as a team - constantly communicating with each other, with humility, a sense of responsibility, positivity and a spirit of initiative. Each of us has the opportunity to learn through continuous experiences and training. This is our strategy - simple and straightforward - to attract and keep the most talented and passionate professionals, those most skilled in our profession and with our products, thus continuing to make the team stronger and more consolidated. Our skills - but also harmony and involvement - are our most precious legacy, our heritage for the present and the investment on which we aim to build our future.

Send us your application and take part in our selection process. We will be happy to contact you to give you all the information you need, in relation to our company and to any available positions.