
Crudo Nazionale

Seasoned boneless pork leg

Sweet and melt-in-the-mouth
Crudo Nazionale

From legs of pigs of the PP circuit, born and reared in Italy. Once deboned (with the exception of the haunch bone) they are trimmed and seasoned with salt and natural flavours. The traditional phases of salting, resting and finally a seasoning of at least 10 months follow. Compact appearance and a particular rounded shape. Very sweet and melt-in-the-mouth taste thanks to the marbling of fat typical of Italian meat.

Gluten-free. Without milk derivatives.

Average weight (kg): 7

Minimum seasoning (months): 10

High yield: the small leg and the lower quantity of rind ensure practicality and a higher yield when cut compared to classic boneless raw hams.

San Petronio